Monday, August 17, 2015

Wheeler Oregon

Stay at the Old Wheeler Hotel. Katy nourishes and nurtures her guests. The view from the breakfast room is soothing. The atmosphere invites new friendships and stimulating conversation. Bring kayaks and hiking shoes. We saw thirty five pound fish caught in the Nehalem River Estuary. The water trail is lengthy, winding and twisting through marshland filled with wildlife. Seeing Manzanita and Nehalem from the water instead of the road is a picturesque treat.

Oswald West State Park is a lovely beach 10 miles north. The swinging bridge leads to the cove - a beach flanked on either side by craggy rocks pounded by surf. Watch surfers. Make a bonfire. Poke around in the tide pools and dare to enter the cave.

Ride the train from Garibaldi to Wheeler, or the short version to Rockaway Beach. The whistle calls. Puffs of steam soften the iron wheels and track to a dreamy state and take you back in time. People wave. Children wave. Merchants wave. Whole hearted greetings and a welcome like this eases tension between your shoulder blades. If you tend to lose heart about the condition of our culture and wonder what will become of us all….take heart. People still do. Play. And recreate in natural surroundings that restore. Go. Come along. Do.